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New Plant Care

The Critical Care Period

The first six weeks are the most critical for your newly transplanted trees and shrubs. They may shock and require extra attention. A little loving care now will help your plants quickly re-establish themselves and produce the beauty that you want.


The First Six Weeks

Keep an extra close eye on your patients during this critical period after transplanting. Complete the checklist below to protect your plant investment.


  1. Water carefully: too much or too little water can setback or even kill your plants. Follow the watering guidelines or any special instructions which are given to you.

  2. Fertilize three weeks after planting. Skip fertilizing between August 15th and October 15th to avoid new, tender growth as winter approaches.

  3. Cultivate lightly (1" deep only) about every two weeks. This keeps planting beds neat and prevents weeds from using the water and fertilizer meant for your plants. Plant roots need oxygen. Cultivation allows oxygen to reach the roots.

  4. Monitor insect and disease populations. During the first year, plants are more susceptible to pest problems and a regular preventative spray program is recommended. An insecticide such as Malathion or Orthene would work well for all non-edibles. Spray once a month following label directions.

  5. Remove the ropes around the base of trunks about 4-6 weeks (not including the winter months) after planting.

  6. Never put plastic down over the roots of plants. This seals out the needed oxygen. Cultivated earth is better than mulch for weed prevention. If you decide to mulch, use a shallow depth of a porous material such as shredded bark or stone. Never use limestone. The lime may damage or kill your plants.

  7. Keep stakes securely in the ground and tree strapping or guy wires taut. These should stay on for about a year.


Flowerbed Tips

Spring Cleanup



Copyright Garden Gate Nursery and Landscaping  2016

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